Friday, December 30, 2011

Stefan William

hai guys... kali ini aku, saya, I, ane, (pilih satu yang enak apa ya?) aku aja deh yaa biar so sweet.. kan mau bahas aktor ganteng (lagi). kalian tau siapa? pasti tau deh. Nggak mungkin gatau *lempar centong*
*jeeenggg jeeengggg*

tau kan itu foto siapa? YUP.. 
stefan william

Biodata :
Nama Lengkap : Stefan William Umboh
Nama Artisnya  : Steven William
Warna Favorite : Biru
Lahir                 : California, US, 11 Agustus 1993
Nama Orangtua : Clinton Avery dan Ellen Thelma Umboh
Agama              : Kristen
Hobi                 : Olahraga

Thursday, December 29, 2011


who do not know about this famous singer?


i think you have known about her. But in this opportunity, i want to write her profile.. check this out!
Famous as      : R&B singer
Birth Name     : Robyn Rihanna Fenty
Birth Date       : February 20, 1988
Birth Place      : St. Michael, Barbados
Claim to fame : Single "Pon De Replay" (2005)6


Monday, December 19, 2011

The Smartest Parrot [ example of narrative text ]

You have to read this one!!! Funny :D
The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.

CINDERELLA [ example of narrative text ]

I know, you have already heard about Cinderella story, it was a beautiful story right? A short story with a happy ending.. and I want you to read this once again :-) lets begin, don’t be serious guys!!!


Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and two step sisters.
The step mother and sisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the house; such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing the food for the family. The two step sisters, on the other hand, did not work about the house. Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear.

i dont have any idea

i dont have any idea to post an article??
do you have any idea?? i want to share something .. but i dont know what?
comments guys
i will search an interesting topic to write

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pasang Iklan di Blog

oh men!! saya lagi keranjingan bisnis iklan di internet, lumayan sih awalnya bisa pasang adsense.. Tapi baru seminggu, account itu udah keburu di banned sama om google. Biasalah, account saya dianggap melakukan klik yang tidak valid. Tapi saya nggak menyerah untuk menambahkan pundi-pundi rupiah di kantong saya. Karena sedang sangat membutuhkan dana untuk sesuatu hal. Setelah account adsense saya di banned oleh google, saya beralih ke Infolinks, yang sekarang tertempel berbentuk in line text. Iklan yang satu ini walaupun syaratnya nggak macem-macem kaya adsense. Tapi penghasilannya lebih sedikit dibandingin sama adsense (jelaslah ini mah). Anda harus bersabar ketika pasang iklan Infolinks ini, karena traffic anda harus bagus dan harus sering-sering promosi agar mendapat klik dari para readers. (:D) 
Masalahnya adalah saya belum punya rekening sendiri, alias masih numpang sama orang tua (hohoho) jadi anda harus punya rekening dulu yah kalo mau membuat account advertiser di internet. oh iya sama AdsCamp juga boleh dicoba. Tapi saya mau coba Kumpulblogger dulu. karena keliatannya menarik. 
selamat berbisnis ria teman :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

How to make tempe

i want to adhere a photos, but the connection wants to fight with me @ @.. sorry guys.. haha :D

i have a weird assignment to make indonesian traditional food, it called "tempe". I just like to eat it. But i dont know how to make it. Yah.. Maybe my teacher thinks if we have to know the procedure and the requirement to make it. oke.. lets begin!!!

How to make tempe?
Making tempe is very easy. Here we explain how to make tempe from 100% soy. This is the traditional tempe as it is consumed in the country of origin: Indonesia. To make 500g tempe you need the following ingredients:
- 300 g whole soybeans
- 3 tablespoons vinegar
- 1 teaspoon tempe starter

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

secondhand serenade lyrics - YOU and I

You And I

I'm feeling distracted
And likewise attracted
To all the things that you let me know
To all the things that you can't let go

You're waiting for friction
The empty addiction
Is forcing me to intervene
Let's break out of this scene

35 reasons why i love you

I can be myself when I am with you.
Your idea of romance is dim lights, soft music, and just the two of us.
Because you make me feel like, like, like I have never felt before.
I can tell you anything, and you won't be shocked.
Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive
You and me together, we can make magic.
We're a perfect match.
Thinking of you, fills me with a wonderful feeling.
Your love gives me the feeling, that the best is still ahead.
You never give up on me, and that's what keeps me going.
i dont know what do you feel.. i just  wanna  be your close friend (again)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the existence of the Loch Ness monster [discussion text]

Apa dan bagaimana contoh tex discussion itu??
Teks discussion adalah teks yang mengemukakan tentang sebuah masalah atau isu dengan memberikan paling tidak dua sudut pandang dari isu tersebut. Terakhir, teks discussion memberikan kesimpulan atau rekomendasi terhadap isu yang dikemukakan.

Struktur dari teks discussion, yaitu:
1. Isu
2. Pendapat yang medukung
3. Ide pokok pendapat yang medukung
4. Elaborasi pendapat yang medukung
5. Pendapat yang menentang
6. Ide pokok pendapat yang menentang
7. Elaborasi pendapat yang menentang
8. Kesimpulan dan/atau rekomendasi

Contoh teks discussion:
Loch Ness Monster: Real or Hoax?

The existence of the Loch Ness monster has been debated since centuries ago.

National Exam in Pros and Cons [discussion text]

National exam becomes the hot topic in most of discussions. Though the Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by the government on the organization of the national exams, the controversy over whether it is necessary to maintain the national exams (UN) has continued. Some debates include the primary questions such as; does the quality of Indonesia education depend on the national exam? will the quality of the Indonesian education system worsen without national exam?
People, who support the national exam, explain that the quality of the Indonesia education system will drop without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system.
However there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national exam kept in our high school education say that it doesn't need the national exams because the quality of education does not just depend on the national exam. Further, the national exam only measures a small portion of students' competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students' competences throughout the semester.
In fact, the national examination can still be useful as an instrument to evaluate or detect the level of students' cognitive competence in several subjects, on a national scale.

Arranged from: 

Discussion Text

Social Function

To present (at least) two points of view about an issue.

Generic Structure

1. Issue:

2. Arguments for against or statement of differing points of view:

3. Conclusion or recommendation

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features

1. Focus on generic human and generic non-human Participants

2. Use of:
Material Processes, e.g. has produced, have developed, to feed
Relational Processes, e.g., is, could have, cause are
Mental Processes, e.g., feel.

3. Use of Comparative, contrastive and Consequential conjunctions
4. Reasoning expressed as verbs and nouns (abstraction).

Berikut adalah contoh Discussion text / example of discussion text:

example of explanation text [2]

Explanation merupakan salah satu genre of text. Nah, disini ada beberapa contoh dan strukturnya. Silakan dibaca-baca..

Social Function: To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena.

Generic Structure
A general statement to position the reader
A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features
Focus on generic, non-human Participants
Use mainly of Material Processes and Relational Processes
Use mainly of Temporal and causal Circumstances and Conjunctions

Contoh 1

example of discussion text

Giving Children Homework; Pro and Con

There are a lot of discussion as to whether children should be given homework or not. Is it enough for children having time to study at school or needing additional time in home for study after school time?

Some people claim that children do enough work in school already. They also argue that children have their hobbies which they want to do after school, such as sport or music. A further point they make is that a lot of homeworks are pointless and does not help the children learn at all.

explanation and discussion text

The Tongue

The sense of taste is one’s of person’s five senses. We taste with help of taste-buds in the tongue. There are four main kinds of taste: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. All other tastes are just mixtures of two or more of these main types.
The surface of the tongue has more than fifteen thousand taste-buds (or cells). These are connected to the brain by special nerves which send the so-called “taste messages”.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011